Give your game the next level up!
Indie Games Accelerator is a developer program for top indie game startups who are looking to supercharge their growth on Android. We created a trailer for its launch, creating excitement and driving participation from game developers.
This year, Indie Games Accelerator is being scaled across various regions worldwide.
To illustrate this key feature of the campaign and attract developers from all countries, we designed a detailed 3D world, creating multiple architectures and recreating iconic monuments around the world.
To illustrate this key feature of the campaign and attract developers from all countries, we designed a detailed 3D world, creating multiple architectures and recreating iconic monuments around the world.
made with ♥ by Orchid Creation
Creative Directors: Bernat Casasnovas, Daniela Varela
Lead Animator: Ariel Garcia
3D Artists & Post Production: Phillipe Thery, Bernat Casasnovas, Flavio Montiel, Jonathan Romeo, Thais Altes, Gerard Bernal, Albert Carruesco, Juan Monsalve, Bruno Alberto
2D Designers: Baptiste Michard, Quentin Vernet
Copywriter: Daniela Varela
Sound Design: Redhorse Studio
Creative Directors: Bernat Casasnovas, Daniela Varela
Lead Animator: Ariel Garcia
3D Artists & Post Production: Phillipe Thery, Bernat Casasnovas, Flavio Montiel, Jonathan Romeo, Thais Altes, Gerard Bernal, Albert Carruesco, Juan Monsalve, Bruno Alberto
2D Designers: Baptiste Michard, Quentin Vernet
Copywriter: Daniela Varela
Sound Design: Redhorse Studio