Paulie's Gees - Brooklyn, New York. Photo Courtesy: @martinscarpone

I can't stay still for long. Traveling gets me itchy, excited, and expands my confort zone. 
Food turned out to be the best lingua franca I've ever spoken.
It brings different people and places together and helps demystify the fear of the unknown.
So when I travel, I eat. A lot. From street vendors, to home-cooked meals to Michelin Restaurants, I'd try them all. Food connects us. It acts as a bridge between each other, to our past and to places.

Some of my most joyful childhood memories are around a dinner table. I cooked pascualina with my mom, pizza with la Nona and pasta with my dad. And what's better than cooking and eating while traveling? you got it right: Writing about it! 
I devoured Bourdain's content, took a 3-year course on professional gastronomy in Crandon Gastronómico, studied an anthropology of food course with Prof. Heather Paxon (MIT) and a food writing one with Devra Ferst (Taste, BonAppetit, Vogue, NPR, Conde Nast Traveler).

I circumnavigated the world, lived in 7 cities, and visited more than 55 countries.
I find joy in each bun, coffee, pizza slice, empanada and cookie I discover. 
I try to creatively write my life on a day-to-day basis, with a touch of salt and pepper given by the awesome people I meet along the way and the great places I end up at. 

So please, grab your favorite mug, have a snack, and relax.
You can check out Bites&KMs blog in English, or read my articles in Español from Comiéndome al Mundo in Latido Beat, once a month, in Montevideo Portal

Some amuse-bouche to get you started: 


Cinque Terre - Heaven on Earth

Welcome to the Big Apple - NYC's top 10

Chicago, That Toddling Town!

Off The Beaten Path: Paros
Comiéndome al Mundo

Una bitácora de viajes con sabor

París: la lujuria y el deseo de comer cual bon vivant a la sombra de los Campos Elíseos

Islandia: allá donde cayó el avión, una tierra de nadie, virgen y de absoluta belleza
New York
New York
Published with ♥ by Montevideo Portal
Special thanks to Nicolás Delgado and Manuel Serra.
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